It is coated with a silane-based size and is designed for reinforcing epoxy resin with filament winding and pultrusion processes. 表面涂覆硅烷基浸润剂,适用于增强环氧树脂,可用于缠绕、拉剂等玻璃钢成型工艺。
A polyurethane coated waterproof and moisture permeable fabric was prepared by transfer coating and based on the base fabric made of different fibers as polyester filament T/ C, cotton. 选用涤纶长丝、涤棉混纺、全棉纤维作基布,经添加一定的助剂,采用聚氨酯转移涂层法,制备了聚氨酯转移涂层防水透湿织物。
Diamond film was coated by the hot filament chemical vapor deposition method. 在热丝化学气相沉积装置中,制备金刚石薄膜。